
White labelled to grow

NTA’s commercial life began with a white labelling campaign that put branded products into the hands of resellers. Two decades later, the business continues to elevate partners in the hosted world, according to Managing Director and owner Paul White.

Tang lauded at CNA

Looking back on his career, it is his quest for a higher purpose and the creation of a people-first culture that Zen Internet founder and Chairman Richard Tang recalls most fondly.

Telavox ramps up in UK

So far, so good for the trio of students who turned a great idea, first seeded in an attic in Lund, into one of Europe’s fastest growing UCaaS providers with ever lofty ambitions.

Resilient trading

The comms sector’s resilient performance continues unabtated and is an auspicious omen for the channel’s future prospects at a time of extensive industry change, writes Philip Carse, Analyst at Megabuyte.com.

CityFibre accelerates

Trailblazing and tireless, CityFibre is a paragon of market disrupters, according to Head of Wholesale Andrew Wilson.

Union Street one year on

In September 2020 Union Street struck a deal to merge with Aurora and then acquired Ebillz, creating a billing powerhouse led by MD Vincent Disneur. Here, Disneur provides an update on developments.

Maximising data assets

Extracting data from workplace analytics has massive potential for all businesses to benefit, writes Tony Martino, CEO of software developer Tollring.

Staff ownership pays off

Having secured Microtech Group’s long-term future in Ayrshire by becoming an employee owned entity MD Chris McMail has ramped up his growth ambitions.

Resetting core values

With ESG, CSR and D&I rising up the agenda Ultima CEO Scott Dodds’ goal is to be carbon neutral by 2030 and continue developing a people-centric strategy.

Preparing for all-IP

New solutions and innovations that solve PSTN switch-off challenges for smaller businesses are key to a smooth transition to an all-IP world, says BT Wholesale Channel Sales Director Gavin Jones.

Navigating disruption

In a serendipitous turn of events Andy Horn left the navy and found himself working in the comms sector. Here, the CEO of IntraLAN reflects on the move that changed the course of his career.  

New force in security

The growth prospects from Blue Cube Solutions’ strengthened cyber security proposition are tantalising for CEO Gary Haycock-West having joined forces with two complementary businesses – all former rivals.

EVP driven growth

Founded in 2014 digital transformation specialist AND Digital has expanded rapidly fuelled in large part by Employee Value Propositions (EVPs) that Chief of Consulting Stephen Paterson says will power the firm to tenfold growth by 2025.

Realising social value

Pressures to adapt our way of working and evolve business models have perhaps never been greater, and critical to success is attracting the talent that will move organisations forward.

Dealing with discrimination

A root and branch review of the diversity within BT Wholesale and the wider group set the wheels in motion to introduce many new initiatives that encourage positive change.

A blueprint for D&I

Before embarking on a diversity and inclusion journey it’s vital to understand what that truly means. Here, Zen Internet HR Director Ayshea Robertson offers practical strategies that provide a D&I blueprint for all organisations.

Quest for people parity

Committed leaders can make a difference by doubling down on their critical diversity and inclusion (D&I) priorities and backing up their aspirations with solid initiatives and resources.

Preparing for ESG

It’s early days for most channel companies to have executed a strategic reinvention with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) at the core, but the message is clear – leaders need to quickly establish ESG priorities.

Defining a sustainability roadmap

An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published last month signalled a red warning for humanity. Extreme climate change means big trouble and an urgent reduction of fossil fuel emissions is the only answer.

D&I from the ground up

The focus on diversity and inclusion is becoming more widespread across the channel and prime movers continue to create initiatives that advance their D&I programmes.
