
Strategic talk...

Maintel CEO Ioan MacRae shows strategic insight and displays leadership acumen in his planning.

Issues that matter most

Colt CEO Keri Gilder on modern leadership, the need to build strong alliance ecosystems, technology priorities, how the pandemic set back D&I by years, and why pioneering female Boston Marathon runners inspire her most.

Meeting CX challenges

There are important customer experience challenges on the business agenda right now and cloud-based contact centre solutions are key to meeting demand for service excellence, says Janice Rapp, VP Product Marketing, 8x8.

Assessing 5G viability

As 5G coverage becomes more widespread and the reliability of 5G equipment improves by the day, is now the time for businesses to leverage the fifth generation mobile network?

Spearheading D&I

Gender diversity and inclusion is a critical component of BT’s strategy and culture, and the company continues to show that there is no shortage of female talent.

A man who’s got the channel’s back

Making life easier for resellers was built into NTA’s DNA from day one – and at the same time as simplifying market opportunities company owner Paul White also follows a policy of guarding the interests of resellers in all areas.

Architect of channel growth

Zoom’s Head of EMEA Channel Dion Smith is a master channel builder, and spurred by the pandemic-driven seismic shift to hybrid working he’s planning for an upsurge in partner-led revenue growth.

Taking a cloud lead

Cloud services continue to accelerate business transformation and as each day passes the role of channel partners in driving this revolution becomes ever more critical, according to Google Cloud UK&I Managing Director Helen Kelisky.

Fit for a modern world

Fitness for purpose should be an unnegotiable customer requirement of resellers and service providers, and Enreach’s Head of International Carrier Sales Iain Sinnott is robust in supporting the critical balance between customer demands and th

Postcard from Partner Plus Live

The 2025 PSTN switch off is a watershed moment and long-held business tactics simply won’t see partners through the transition, according to speakers at BT Wholesale's Partner Plus Live event (19th May, BT Tower).

UCaaS comes of age

For many businesses a UCaaS solution will deliver functionality far beyond their current comms estate, which represents a major opportunity for resellers, says Gamma’s Channel Sales Director Andrew Smethurst.

Contact centre opportunities

Smaller firms could outrank larger organisations in the contact centre opportunity stakes, according to our panel of experts who provide an overview of this exciting and evolving marketplace.

Nurturing staff wellbeing

Staff wellbeing has become a priority for employers and initiatives that extend beyond physical health are being implemented as part of an all-embracing approach to the wellness needs of colleagues.

Spotlight on Windsor CEO

We put ten quickfire topical questions to Windsor Telecom CEO Pete Tomlinson. Here’s what he fired from the hip...

Channel M&A: 2022 outlook

Sector consolidation shows no sign of abating with transactions and valuations remaining high – and a new trend could be emerging among trade buyers, writes Knight Corporate Finance Director Paul Billingham.

Strategies for staff wellness

Among the channel’s CEOs leading the charge on employee wellbeing is Six Degrees chief exec Simon Crawley-Trice who seeks every way possible to ensure the wellness of his people.

The agent’s champion

Great customer experiences start with the right blend of technology and human interaction, according to Cirrus CEO Jason Roos who describes himself as a contact centre ‘nerd’ and dedicated ‘champion’ of agents.

EPOS rises in video tech

Leading edge audio and video together will make the critical difference in today’s hybrid working environment, according to EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven who puts the company’s new video credentials on the record.

Living your best life

It’s wrong to limit anyone’s right to choose how and where they work, according to Highgate IT Solutions Sales Director Bob Sahota, who calls for the widespread adoption of a more generous work-life balance.

Anatomy of modern leadership

Here, Mitel VP International Richard Roberts takes a retrospective, current and prospective view of business leadership in times of revolutionary change.
