Leadership and Strategy
ITPS strikes the right balance
ITPS has put economic transparency at the forefront of IT decision making, while enabling businesses to innovate, generateWildix builds strategic partnerships
Wildix UK Country Manager Rob Loakes draws a clear picture of the vendor’s evolving growth model, working more strategicallSoftware pioneer aims to redefine distribution
NetXL is firing on all cylinders as it powers distribution innovation through a fusion of software centricity and operatiJoyner on Avaya’s post-revamp plan
Avaya’s Vice President for UK&I Steve Joyner shares insights into the vendor’s post-financial restructuring strategy anThomas grasps MSP opportunities
When incovo CEO Chris Thomas took charge of the company aged just 18 it was the start of a remarkable journey founded on huGear up for an AI future
Tomorrow’s channel leaders will be centred on AI and analytics according to Emily Fallon, Regional VP, International ChannKey deal boosts Digital Origin
MSPs face tough investment challenges but Milton Keynes-based Digital Origin has created a perfect fit growth context folGigaBritain makes an impact
GigaBritain’s rapid rate of growth is attributable to a market impact-driven strategy centred on partner enablement, collaRaising the ambition bar
Aspire Technology Solutions CEO Chris Fraser outlines plans to hit £50 million revenue based on a set of strategic princiVorboss in pole position
Vorboss CEO and professional car racer Tim Creswick relishes life in the fast lane, and his winning formula strikes a balan