Driving MSP reinvention

The impetus to reinvent MSP offerings and keep pace with partner and end user demand is intensifying, and at the vanguard of this reinvention imperative is IT management software firm Kaseya, says VP Business Development EMEA Greg Jones.

Give us some background on Kaseya
Kaseya was founded in 2000 by technology entrepreneurs who recognised the need for a better way to manage IT infrastructure. Over the years it has grown from a small start-up to a global company with 5,000 employees and over 50,000 customers using our unified IT and security management solutions. As a business we are always evolving – and regardless of their size we work closely with MSP partners to help them grow and scale.

Why the name ‘Kaseya’?
The name was chosen from a Sioux word meaning ‘protect and defend’. This still remains a core part of Kaseya’s mission, but now we also document, backup and much more. Our full profile of software makes managing and securing IT infrastructure efficient and cost-effective. And our integrated IT management platform comprises solutions from vendors including Datto, Unitrends, RapidFire Tools, Spanning Cloud Apps, IT Glue, ID Agent, Graphus and RocketCyber.

What were Kaseya’s UK objectives last year?
Our focus was very much on empowering partners – upselling and cross-selling solutions in our partner base to enable them to do more. We overachieved on our targets. The biggest growth areas were security and automation, tied closely with productivity. Going forward, security and compliance will be hot growth topics.

What are your 2024 goals?
This year we announced Kaseya 365, a subscription offering that was in the making for 10 years. It has everything MSPs need to manage, secure, backup and automate their clients’ endpoints. With Kaseya 365 the solutions for remote monitoring and management (RMM), antivirus protection, endpoint detection and response (EDR), managed detection and response (MDR), patch management, ransomware rollback and endpoint backup are all joined under one subscription, integrated and live within the unified interface experience of IT Complete.

What is your biggest opportunity?
It’s always the opportunity that lies ahead for MSPs... their growth and success in the marketplace. A lot of that currently relies on being able to deliver first-class cybersecurity, cyber resilience and Compliance-as-a-Service. MSPs who can deliver those will win more business and retain it.

Where do you see Kaseya in three to five years time?
We want to be the only player in the marketplace that is an essential go-to, not only for every MSP but for any business that takes cybersecurity and management of their IT systems seriously.

What got you into ICT?
My journey began with IT and business studies and a part-time job at PC World when I was 17. I’ve always been fascinated by technology and tinkered with computers since childhood. This path led me to a career in tech where the constant innovation keeps me engaged. Anything is possible in IT and the rate of change is incredible.

Which new technologies are on your radar screen right now?
AI and ML are a big focus. We have a huge R&D team continuously enhancing all our products and services with a view to keep partners ahead of the curve. One example is the launch of IT Glue Copilot, an AI engine for IT documentation. This was developed from the ground up to address the complexities of modern IT environments and to free up IT professionals from manual and time consuming tasks.

More MSPs are coming into the market, mergers and acquisitions are continuing, there’s a lot of movement and it’s an exciting place to be

By leveraging AI this tool automates the entire lifecycle of IT documentation, from creation to intelligently compiling and organising the information. In this way, the platform is constantly evolving to make sure it stays complete. Our business never stands still and the roadmap is in direct correlation to what partners need.

Your biggest career achievement?
Seeing the impact I’ve had on others has been amazing. Whether that’s MSPs’ successes or seeing staff growth and progression. I am proud of the 35-plus industry awards I’ve won as they are proof that I am making a difference in the industry. What’s also important to me is my involvement with the Alder Hey children’s charity which raises vital funds for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know
I am a big snowboard fanatic. I started on dry slopes and have been snowboarding for over 20 years now, including a lot of heliboarding in Banff where they take you to remote areas and drop you out of a helicopter.

Your role models?
Businessman Warren Buffet, entrepreneur Ed Mylett and author and coach Tony Robins. I like the way they lead and are always looking to the future. Never reactive, always progressing and empowering other people.

What talent do you wish you had?
To predict the future.

Give one example of something you’ve overcome
Transitioning from the MSP side of the fence into the vendor world was a total transformation. I still look out for the MSP community.

Your three ideal dinner guests
Robbie Williams because he is so entertaining; Nelson Mandela for his insight, wisdom and knowledge; and Michelle Obama who leads by example, inspires everyone around her, is bold and has a great sense of humour.

If you could transform any area of the IT industry what would it be?
Security and compliance.

Your favourite comedians
Paul Smith and John Bishop.

What do you fear the most?
Not being able to keep up with the fast-paced technology developments of the future.

In hindsight
I could have taken more risks along my journey. Looking back, many of them would have come to fruition.
Your main leadership strength and what could you work on?
People skills are my strength, but I could work on my attention to detail.

What are today’s top three leadership priorities?
Data analytics, empowering people and getting results.

The best piece of advice you have been given?
Don’t react in haste, you will only repent at leisure.

If you weren’t in IT what would you be doing?
Stocks and shares, and property development.

What’s the biggest risk you have taken?
Transitioning from central and local governance in the public sector into the private sector, which was a different, less secure and stable world.

How do you relax?
I spend time walking in the mountains. I’m rarely at home... I love to travel and be with people.

Top tip for resellers
Push your targets and goals beyond what you think is achievable.

Parting comment...
We are in a very good, buoyant market despite the global economic challenges. More businesses are increasing their spend on technology solutions to drive their transformation and succeed through, for example, the automation and digitalisation of their processes. More MSPs are coming into the market, mergers and acquisitions are continuing, there’s a lot of movement and evolution – it’s an exciting place to be.                 

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