
Coronavirus: Home working goes viral

VanillaIP Sales & Marketing Director Iain Sinnott discusses the unprecedented coronavirus crisis and how the channel can help organisations fight back with cloud-based weapons of choice.

Halpin’s ‘cloud cuckoo land’

Too many enterprises are in the grip of an ICT service famine, claims CloudCoCo Managing Director Mark Halpin who aims to catalyse a power shift towards more responsive MSPs.

The smart city builder

As a boy, Connexin founder and CEO Furqan Alamgir relished deconstructing computers before upgrading them into something greatly improved. Today, he does the same but with whole cities.

Kini’s full fibre mission

Talk of full fibre potential has long been rife in the industry. But let’s all stop the hype and bring a swift end to the complexity that could stifle its growth, urges TalkTalk Business MD Jonathan Kini.

IPCortex surges in channel

The ICT channel is about to find out how souped-up software developer IPCortex plans to disrupt the market one year after its transformational acquisition by Aerial Direct, according to MD Glyn Thomas.

2025: The next frontier

Zen Partner Managing Director Steve Warburton on the big 2025 switch off, the FTTP land grab, channel opportunities and challenges, retaining talent and coding clubs for kids.

Bring on HR visionaries

From technology, the environment to demographic trends, winds of change are transforming the concept of workforce agendas, according to Zen Internet HR Director Ayshea Robertson.

Mobile data matters

It's not the simple fact of mobile's popularity that makes it a market worth unlocking, it's the data element that really matters, says Jola Managing Director Andrew Dickinson, but the key lies in unseating MNOs. 

Video promo pays off

Former band vocalist William Copley knows a thing or two about putting a video together, but believes any comms providers scared of the process should think again if they want to upgrade their brand image. 

Vaioni raises the bar

The ongoing ascendancy of Vaioni Wholesale is inevitable, and Sales & Marketing Director Mark Curtis-Wood has a solid plan for it.

Cirrus's high altitude plans

Within the next three to five years the answer is due on whether Cirrus CEO Jason Roos will realise his ambition to become the UK's top CCaaS provider and rank among the top five in America. Signs are it's a foregone conclusion…

Why 'show and tell' is critical

Despite modern technology, it is traditional ideas of demonstration, education and use cases that are key to cloud and mobility sales success, according to VanillaIP Sales and Marketing Director Iain Sinnott.

Ten years and counting

An impressive head of steam has built up in Inform Billing’s growth engine, marking its tenth anniversary with an affirmation that innovation, investment and diversification remain the essence of its momentum, says MD Shaun Bodsworth.

Hark the sonic boom

For workplaces to be fit for purpose emergent technology in audio, such as voice assistants, AI, ML and biometrics must be fully embraced, urges Jesper Kock, Vice President Research and Development at Sennheiser Communications.

Nicol eyes expansion

Few, if any, would contest the viability of Commsworld CEO Ricky Nicol’s ambition to build the equivalent of a Scottish Telecom, and the signs are that he could achieve his objective sooner rather than later.

Modha's growth plan

Luminet’s Head of Business Development & Marketing Bimal Modha shows little interest in camouflaging his strategic intentions as he lays bare big expansion plans that speak volumes about his channel ambitions.

Tomlinson rebuilds Windsor

Windsor Telecom has a golden opportunity to restrategise, branch out and blossom, according to CEO Pete Tomlinson who’s pressed the button on plans to recast the Inbound supremo as an all encompassing bespoke solution provider.

Making the Summit

Jonathan Sharp, Sales and Marketing Director at Britannic Technologies, is a past master at putting on customer events and the company’s latest Convergence Summit again showcased the advantages of rallying clients to the Britannic flag.

Big innovations in Wi-Fi

AI and ML have ushered in a new age of intelligent Wi-Fi networks, and the integration of Bluetooth and emergence of Wi-Fi as a Service are game changers, says Mist co-founder and CTO Bob Friday.

Innovation drives UCaaS

The channel will be well equipped to take the gaping UCaaS market by storm so long as resellers do not neglect the strategic advantages offered by AI, ML and 5G, argues Keith Jackson, 8x8’s Director of Channel Sales EMEA.
