
Piper plays strategic hand

On Aidan Piper’s career menu… food, wine and comms for afters: Here’s how the Welcomm Communications Chief Executive kept the best course ‘till last.

Pennington's £100m plan

The unwavering conviction of 4net Technologies MD Richard Pennington is that he can achieve his business goals only by continuing to re-engineer the company. This is his big £100 million strategy.

Comms sector review

Philip Carse, Analyst at Megabuyte.com, reports on the trading performance of leading companies in the comms space during the last quarter.

Age of autonomousity dawns

It would take a cool nerve to deny that the future of connectivity does not lie in autonomous networking, says Masergy’s EMEA Channel Director Emily Nerland.

Inspiring diversity

Industry research and discussion alone will not solve the channel’s diversity and inclusion (D&I) deficit, it needs a cultural stimulus from shining examples of D&I champions such as 9 Group.

Fanvil breezes into UK

The fruition of Fanvil UK’s channel building strategy would see it become the number one provider of VoIP endpoints, according to MD Craig Graham who has already made expansive inroads across swathes of home territory.

Time to strategise fibre

The statistics and trends imply ultimate finality to Ethernet business as they do traditional fixed and mobile voice. At this point – today – all roads lead to FTTP, argues Zen CTO Justin Fielder.

IT Lab talks growth science

With their sights set on becoming a £100 million business IT Lab’s CEO Peter Sweetbaum (pictured) and Group Managing Director Geoff Kneen share insights into their growth strategy...

Masergy on UK ascent

Masergy has targeted a greater presence in the UK channel as it seeks to take partners global, innovate the network and remove complexity from SD WAN deployment, according to EMEA Channel Director Emily Nerland.

The collaboration factor

Resellers must target a full set of collaboration and delivery goals if they are to catch the eye of ICT buyers in the future, says Atos Global Director for Solution Management Darren Gallagher.

Clear planning pays off

Having a clear vision of the end game from the outset has proved an invaluable tactic in Vapour Cloud’s progress as an evolving MSP, says founder and CEO Tim Mercer.

Horn eyes growth year

IntraLAN made its first CEO change for almost a quarter of a century in August, pulling in Andy Horn whose 2020 plan has only one purpose – to double the size of the business.

Billing for all possibilities

The reasons for billing providers to be permanently on their toes come thick and fast – and ever alert to the mood of the market Strategic Imperatives has made a broad scope of moves to keep all developments covered.

Strategists talk billing

The mechanics of the ICT sector require fundamental change as we approach Digital Britain, not least in the billing space.

Why collaboration is key

UC&C is the channel’s chance to become the business community’s saviour in the Age of the Millennial, according to Voiceflex Sales and Marketing Director Paul Taylor.

Planning for the future

It is incumbent on billing vendors to act in concert with technological shifts in the market and all that entails, says Aurora COO Derek Watson.

Shaping the MSP model

Piers Mummery has spent 30 years turning around and launching a plethora of diverse businesses, he’s spent the last six years ‘having a lot of fun’ in Chicago helping ICT firms transition into MSPs.

Championing diversity

Lip service and mere cultural mood music will do nothing to advance the spread of greater diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the channel. What we need are real world examples of inspirational D&I champions. Enter Sky Business…

Zen steps up ambitions

Ambitious Zen CEO Paul Stobart is stepping up plans to realise what he claims is a gold-plated opportunity for his new ‘challenger brand’ and its channel partners.

Taylor talks strategy

A more critical period for the industry cannot be recalled, but the current upheaval creates not just a disruption of  traditional comms, it provides a welter of opportunities, says Gamma CEO Andrew Taylor.
