Isle of Man business Manx Telecom has reported a dip in H1 revenues, posting £39.2m compared to £39.8m in the first six months of 2015.
Profit before tax rose slightly to £8.3m (H1 2015: £8.2m).
Data centre revenues were down 15.7% due to a decline in low margin kit sales and customer consolidation; but global solutions revenues showed strong growth of 12.4%.
Fixed line, broadband and data revenues rose 1.3% driven by take-up of high speed broadband.
A 4.7% rise in mobile revenues was offset by lower roaming charges.
Gary Lamb, CEO, said: "We have had a solid six months of trading which saw the group continue to make progress with its strategic objectives and perform in line with the board's expectations.
"Demand for superfast broadband and the increased speeds offered by 4G mobile services continue to grow and help drive growth in our cash generative core.
"We recently introduced 4G roaming to our customers as well as trialling superfast 4G+ during the summer period.
"We will continue to explore new ways to grow the business by leveraging our mobile technology platform and we are confident in the long term outlook for the business."