Channel-Sec announces trio of boardroom sessions

The first boardroom sessions for IT Europa’s (Comms Dealer sister company) annual Channel-Sec conference (Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square in London on June 26th) are confirmed with a focus on growth, profitability and Zero Trust.

Now in its seventh year, the expanded event has relocated to smaller group breakout sessions on a variety of cybersecurity and service provider related topics.

“We trialled the new format last year and the feedback we had from delegates was fantastic,” said Will Garside, IT Europa’s Editorial Director, “Our new venue gives us dedicated rooms for boardrooms that allow participants to really discuss the issues that matter in better business and networking spaces.”

Channel-Sec 2024 will welcome two keynote speakers, two panel discussions and host up to twelve boardroom session across the day alongside an exhibitor conference area. The event is co-located with the IT Europa Awards Gala Dinner in the evening. Boardroom sessions on the day include:

Risky Business: Turn Cybersecurity from a Challenge into a Growth Opportunity – hosted by Kaseya
According to the Kaseya 2024 MSP Benchmark Survey Report, 61% of MPS look to "offer new services to new or current clients", and 78% call out cybersecurity as their top IT challenge. Join this session as we explore how to turn the cybersecurity challenges into business opportunities. Our boardroom will look at industry best practices that can reduce risk, cut cyber insurance costs, and grow your business as a security expert without having security expertise.

How To Create Successful Malware and Defend with Zero Trust – hosted by ThreatlockerIn a world where anyone can create successful malware or have AI generate it for them, it's important to know how malware can be successful so you can better defend. Starting from a default-deny posture, learn how adopting Zero Trust principles can keep your data safe and operations running regardless of hacking attempts by man or machine.

Future-Proofing Your MSP Business: Maximizing Profitability and Differentiation – hosted by LansweeperExplore key strategies for growing your MSP revenue. Learn actionable insights to optimize operations, shorten your sales cycle, build credibility, expand service offerings, and capitalize on market trends. Discover innovative approaches to drive sustainable growth and success in the dynamic MSP industry.

As a delegate to Channel-Sec 2024, you will gain access to:

150 partners peers
20 conference stands
12 dedicated boardroom sessions
Keynotes with Jamil Qureshi, Performance Coach and Maggie Alphonsi, MBE
Engaging panel discussion on the business and technology of cybersecurity
Great networking environment
Competitions and prizes for best questions
Luncheon and drinks reception

Channel-Sec is a free to attend, channel-only event. For more information and registration options, please visit

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