Cellhire wins BBC's vote on election night

Cellhire played a key role in enabling the BBC to live stream UK General Election counts and results to millions with its Count Cams and multi-network IoT SIMs.

The company deployed its Count Cam packages to 369 vote counting locations across the UK on July 4th-5th, allowing the BBC to provide continuous coverage throughout the night.

Tony Guerion, Cellhire Chief Executive Officer, stated: “The visibility provided by our IoT solution not only allowed the public to stay informed but also enhanced the transparency and accountability of the electoral process.

“Ensuring that the viewing public could witness the vote counting in real-time helped to foster trust in the democratic process which is essential in maintaining the integrity of our elections.”

Guerion explained that the iPhones were fitted with Cellhire’s multi-network IoT SIM cards, allowing them to always remain connected to the best available network.

This ensured extensive geographic coverage and reduced the likelihood of any downtime to close to zero. Cellhire further optimised the devices by installing essential apps only, making them easier to use and ensuring more efficient performance.

Geraint Thomas, Assistant Editor who led the project for BBC News, added: “The aim to livestream from every county across the UK was ambitious and, due to its scale, would have been challenging to accomplish using traditional broadcasting methods.

"The project involved numerous moving parts but connectivity was at its core, with the multi-network SIM cards offering a particularly efficient solution.”

Jonny McGuigan, BBC News Streaming Editor, commented: “The ability to choose from any one of 369 counts on the night meant we could always be where the story was."

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