IT Europa is gearing up to stage Channel-Sec 2019 (Royal Garden Hotel, London, 14th March), an event designed to reflect and address the challenges and opportunities faced by channel players who operate in the burgeoning security space.
"The threat of cyber crime is driving an explosive growth in demand for security related products and services," stated IT Europa MD Alan Norman.
“Security is a growing concern for organisations of all types across Europe, but with the increasing sophistication of threats and proliferation of technologies claiming to address them, customers are increasingly turning to the channel for help in finding solutions that will protect their businesses and in doing so deliver real value and benefits for their organisations,” stated IT Europa MD Alan Norman.
“Channel-Sec 2019 provides an opportunity for UK and European channels to come together with distributors and technology providers to explore ways of creating new business opportunities.”
According to IDC, worldwide spending on security related hardware, software and services will deliver a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.9% to reach $133.7bn in 2022.