What ‘Price’ Is Customer Loyalty?

Many of us will be familiar with the discount customer reward programmes run by the major supermarkets – where reduced prices are available in return for personal information and data to gain more insights about our shopping habits.

But this is nothing new, especially for those of a more mature generation! It’s a lot more sophisticated and tailored in today’s digital world.

Productive Partnerships

Here at Evolve IP we believe customer loyalty should be recognised in the business world too, forging deeper relationships to drive growth in mutually beneficial ways.

It’s why we’re launching an enhanced Partner Programme this month to recognise, inspire and reward our growing partner base, whatever stage of the journey they are on with us. The initiative was officially launched this Spring and has been very well received so far. All our resellers are automatically enrolled and benefit from several incentives to support their growth. As their relationship grows, the recognition and incentives grow too to support them even further.

Sales enablement, marketing resources, and training academy access, to enhance the levels of account management support, are some of the many areas available. Based on the positive feedback we have developed phase two with even more benefits. Our partners are finding it very useful with a competitive element weaved in to get our partners engaged.

They want to be able to showcase their efforts and we are looking at ways of celebrating with them. How we can provide them with a pre-packaged marketing tool-kit to elevate and shout about their status, is one example. We’re also reviewing how we can launch certain products within the programme. They value being part of the programme and see the value in providing structure and a clear journey for them to take.

Raising The Game

Evolve IP is all about keeping business simple, enhancing and differentiating our platform, solutions and most importantly our team. For example, we’ve just tripled our marketing team to provide enhanced levels of reseller support. We’re investing not just for the short term but the longer term and our partners recognise that too.

We believe in making the future of work better for everyone. That starts from the bottom up! We boast an international carrier-grade network to deliver integrated remote workforce technologies that enable employees to perform anywhere, based on a series of white-label solutions. Evolve IP generated unprecedented growth and attracted record numbers of new partners last year. We are determined to go even further, spearheaded by the latest version of our Partner Programme.

To hear more about the Partner Programme, join us at our webinar on Wednesday 18th September at 11:00 am GMT - evolveip.net/ en-gb/webinar-events-page

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