How To Survive In A Saturated Market

In an increasingly saturated market how can you stand out from the crowd and continue to win new business and nullify the threat of a commoditised channel?

As a global collaboration service provider, Evolve IP understands the dangers of a ‘race to the bottom’ where the cheapest tender always wins purely on price alone.

We work with many of the world’s biggest tech companies and innovative industry leaders to create robust and reliable solutions for a growing reseller base. We have the power to bring everything together in a simple and effective way - and specialise in securely integrating unified communications, collaboration tools, voice, and omnichannel contact centre solutions into the cloud. Quality over quantity counts!

Deliver Value Not Price

With channel margins constantly being squeezed, other than price what can resellers do to differentiate themselves? One of the best ways forward is to focus on value rather than the cheapest option - to drive business efficiencies and maximise return on investment over a longer period of time. Everyone can make a phone ring but it’s about applying different layers of service and tools that can streamline business operations to make them more productive and successful.

This could be call analytics or CRM integration for example. It’s about saving businesses money and adding value. Turning conversations to value rather than just a cost transaction. Services can be consumed in different ways. It’s about what’s best for a customer.

Technology differentiation is one of the keyways to differentiate in the channel, however with so many providers providing ‘much of a muchness’ that can sometimes be tricky too.

For us it’s about removing any barriers to entry which can open the doors to successful business partnerships. For example we don’t lock in partners to any minimum terms or long term commitments. This can make a big difference because they are not having to chase any targets or work under pressure. They do business with us because they like doing business with us. Flexible licensing and commercial models make a big difference.

A Flexible Approach

We recognise that one size doesn’t fit all. Every sector and business has different needs, so it’s important to offer tailored solutions that provide maximum value and impact.

Our Anywhere Product Suite comprises a range of diverse key services, comprising: Anywhere Call Recording with Voice AI, Anywhere Reporting, Anywhere Integrator, Anywhere Receptionist and Anywhere Contact Centre.

It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of every change in technology. Partner with Evolve IP and gain the combined experience of hundreds of technologists, all acting as an extension of your IT team. We help you do more with less!

Knowledge Is Power

End user knowledge has increased massively in recent years and this is driving change in the channel. Resellers need more technical skills to act as trusted advisors as part of a consultative sale. Three years ago Covid lockdowns changed everything. Panic buying is over and the channel is entering a pivotal moment. Resellers with the knowledge and a deep understanding of both technology and their customers’ needs will have a competitive advantage. Many end users know what they want so resellers need to adapt and change too, rather than just selling a product.

Surviving in a saturated market is getting harder but the rewards can be bigger than ever.

To learn more about how Evolve IP can help your customers’ businesses maximize the benefits of technology in an ever-evolving world, visit

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