Think IT Simple Director Joe Hitchings measures the success of his vendor partnerships on their alignment with his core business values, to save his customers money, and to forge meaningful human relationships.
A shining example is Think IT Simple’s partnership with Fidelity Energy, which began in Q1 2024 and has since moved from strength to strength, helping the reseller to deliver on its positive mission whilst delivering big wins in the energy sector. “There are hundreds of vendors asking us to sell their products into our customer base every day but unless it’s actually helping put more money in British business owners’ pockets, I am not really for it,” said Hitchings. “We only want to work with companies that are delivering on that same goal, and Fidelity Energy have walked the walk since we signed up with them.”
He shares one case study that Think It Simple and Fidelity Energy collaborated on that speaks to this goal. “We were talking to a massive charity that looked like it was going to go bust,” he said. “But through the cost reductions we helped them achieve by altering their energy bill, they are much more comfortable, and our relationship has brought them more time.” As well as fuelling Hitchings noble aim, the partnership has also generated lucrative opportunities for Think IT Simple, including a contract with a large maritime business that contributed to a record month of £70k in energy revenues. “We are doing around 40 deals a month and are having considerable success when it comes to selling into our existing telco base,” enthused Hitchings.
Think It Simple got into energy pre-pandemic but was driven to Fidelity Energy after leaving its previous vendor in search of a more collaborative partnership, according to Hitchings. He states that his decision to choose Fidelity was affirmed from the outset. “The onboarding process was 10 out of 10 and every part of the relationship since then has lived up to this high standard,” he said. “From delivering the service, delivering the price, and being available during the entire process, Fidelity Energy has been of the highest quality.” Hitchings also values the more human side of the partnership.
“Business is tough, work is tough, and life is tough,” he said. “The best partnerships will be with people that work through this with a smile on their face and try to make the process fun. I think the future is about collaboration with like-minded people and we have found that with Fidelity Energy.” Joe Hitchings - Think IT Simple “
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