Everyone is aware of climate change and the steps we can take on a small scale to help make a difference, but organisations are the key to seeing dramatic changes in emissions that we create around the world. In 2022 the cloud communications industry is greatly aware of the impact data centres have on the environment. However, we also understand that cloud computing is significantly more energy-efficient than having on-premise infrastructure.
As post-pandemic life is beginning to resume worldwide, what has remained is people changing how they work. Cloud Communication Providers like Evolve IP help make this possible for businesses of any scale. Allowing their teams and their customers to work in the office, at home, in co-working spaces – literally around the world without any interference. Evolve IP’s technology enables people to travel and consume less which we see as a positive step toward creating positive sustainable habits.
If Evolve IP is supporting the ‘new normal’ through the technology that we provide, it made sense to look inward and see how as an organisation we can help reduce our own carbon emissions as a collective. We think the cloud communications industry should take steps to become accountable and evaluate its carbon emissions.
Evolve IP has done that very thing, working with ClimatePartner our partner in climate action to calculate our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF). From this we understand the emissions we create so we can work to reduce where we can and offset where necessary.
Evolve IP EMEA is now has Certified Carbon Neutral Offices with the plan to be globally certified by the end of summer 2022. Evolve IP took on this project in hopes that others would follow and to also help our partners in reducing their carbon footprint in the process.
The carbon offset projects we have been certified to international standards and were selected as they reflect our business values. We hope our partners and customers will see this as a great step and we encourage them to do the same. Tech has enabled people to collaborate in an eco-friendlier manner and those technologies should put the work in place to offset and reduce emissions where possible for everyone’s future.
Evolve IP understands its environmental impact and is taking voluntary steps to become accountable for its carbon emissions.
Paul Harrison, Managing Director EMEA - Evolve IP
Find out more about Evolve IP’s Carbon Neutral Project
+44(0)203 326 0800