Openreach accused of 'worrying and diversionary' tactics ahead of Ofcom's Telecoms Access Review

An Openreach positioning statement issued today in light of Ofcom's Telecoms Access Review 2026, which will re-set certain industry rules for another five years, has received a strongly worded response from Virgin Media O2.

In its 'Blueprint for Continuing Success in the UK's Telecoms Market' Openreach stated, 'Ofcom and Government should require Virgin Media O2 and others to open up their duct and pole networks on the same transparent terms including price as Openreach’s duct and poles product.'

A Virgin Media O2 spokesperson told Comms Dealer: "Calling for regulatory intervention on others who are building alternative networks is a worrying and diversionary tactic that Openreach has used before with no success.

“The ability to use Virgin Media’s ducts on a commercial basis already exists, but Openreach has significant market power in the UK and a footprint that covers almost all of the country so it is right that it remains appropriately regulated to ensure it cannot use its monopolistic muscle to constrain emerging competition.

"Virgin Media O2 and others are building fibre to increase network choice in the UK and it’s important that Ofcom supports these investments so that truly scaled competition can be realised in future."


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