Hybrid working remains SME priority says Six Degrees

Developing an IT infrastructure that allows for long-term hybrid working is the top objective for the next five years amongst IT decision-makers at SMEs according to new research from Six Degrees.

The majority (28%) plan to make it their number one priority, followed by increasing automation (27%), harnessing AI and machine learning to support business goals (26%), outsourcing IT operations (26%), and improving D&I within the IT team and wider business (26%). 

“The common link between each of these objectives is the desire to improve productivity and empower higher-performing teams,” comments Vince DeLuca, CEO at Six Degrees.

“The top four objectives seek to do this by deploying new technology, implementing existing IT in new ways and by leveraging vast amounts of valuable data.”  

Surprisingly, cyber security was outside the top five, placing seventh amongst long-term priorities with 24%. Keeping one step ahead of cybercriminals ranked ninth with 22%.

DeLuca added: “Too many organisations still move their IT infrastructure to the cloud and think it will all be protected by default and design. Indeed, when asked directly, 42% of respondents said that cloud adoption has increased their security.”


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