Nuvola will now act as a distributor for ConactCentre4ALL in the UK and the RoI, engaging with channel partners to deliver CC4TEAMS, CC4Skype, CC4Dynamics, and power BI Contact Centre reporting.
Michael Lloyd, CEO of Nuvola, said: “With the ever-increasing demand for virtual working, we are constantly identifying opportunities for contact centre solutions.
Those CCaaS solutions that integrate with Microsoft Teams are imperative, but of increasing importance, we see the need from end-users for omnichannel deliverability.”
CC4Teams is natively integrated into the Teams client and has omnichannel capabilities including social media, email, web chat, and call offerings.
Cees de Jong, CEO at CC4ALL, said: "There's a major expansion in Microsoft Teams adoption as many businesses adapted to hybrid working.
"Organisations now realise various specific features are required to transform the Teams platform into a full-service hybrid contact centre.”