“Wishing doesn’t make it so”


Reading reports from the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) on a service launched in 2020. The service is for UK consumers to report suspicious emails especially “phishing” emails; a subject close to our hearts and bank balances here at StayPrivate.

In its 1st year of operation 6.5 million emails were raised as suspicious, 1,000,000 fake URLs taken down and >50,000 scam websites removed. The bulk of the workload is automated, but the process takes time & money. NCSC is one of the only serious agencies in the UK in the public domain which IMHO is delivering real value & effective results (outside of the MOD or related agencies). In telecoms we are used to big numbers, but our regulator Ofcom seems only to like big companies. Can you imagine the form-filling, the committees involved in and the delay in Ofcom trying to monitor & dynamically manage active security at the domain or network level…errrr, nope me neither!

After a tumultuous 2022 when even our shortest serving Prime Minister‘s phone was hacked (whatever for! How To Make Effective Presentations or Economics for Dummies?), it remains the case that most corporate networks which are hacked are breached by a phishing email sent from a personal email account.

Resellers, MSP’s, dealers & agents selling and supporting cyber in a straightforward old school proven process (problem, solution, sold), see revenues rise, profits flow and secure their customers networks.

And finally, a big thank you to our resellers, distributors and support teams for helping us grow StayPrivate and launch into the channel in 2022. Our best wishes for an enjoyable Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Look out for videos on our LinkedIn page showcasing clients in business sectors such as estate agents, recruiters etc. Follow us there, contact us directly or via our distribution partners which include Zest4.

For more information visit www.stayprivate.com

Headshot of Adrian Barnard

"In its 1st year of operation 6.5 million emails were raised as suspicious, 1,000,000 fake URLs taken down and >50,000 scam websites removed." - Adrian Barnard

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