Pennine adopts change management model to drive sales

Pennine has set about driving greater tech adoption via the Prosci ADKAR Model, a process that is said to aid change management and create the conditions that promote uptake of new technologies.

"The ADKAR Model is a research-based, individual change model that creates a powerful internal language for change and gives leaders a framework for helping people embrace and adopt changes," stated Steve Watts, Head of Pennine Sales.

ADKAR stands for: Awareness of the need for change, Desire to support the change, Knowledge of how to change, Ability to demonstrate new skills and behaviours, and Reinforcement to make the change stick.

Pennine is a silver partner of Microsoft and Skype for Business and is applying the ADKAR Model as part of its sales strategy.

"The key to a successful technology roll-out is communicating the benefits to the whole workforce. By embracing the methods of the Prosci ADKAR Model through Pennine, organisations are maximising their chances of success."

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