Mitel launches 'instant’ video conferencing device

Mitel claims to have commoditised video conferencing with the channel launch of an 'instant' video conferencing device.

The desktop UC360 is a 'plug and play' device that connects four parties into a video conference call and allows them to collaborate on a full range of standard business packages such as presentations and spread sheets in real time.

"This product truly commoditises video conferencing and will allow business people to run video conferences almost spontaneously, wherever they are In their office or at home ," said Graham Bevington, Executive Vice President for International Markets.

The Google Android-based platform has its own display, but will also connect with any modern HD television for the big screen video conferencing experience. Mitel says the product has open architecture so it can work with standard existing infrastructures including other PBXs.

"The beautiful thing about this product is that it sells itself," claimed Bevington. "There's nothing technical to explain to customers who won't have to replace all their existing comms and video conferencing equipment. The benefits are huge."

Mitel says UC360's low cost means that, instead of a few centralised multimedia locations, collaboration points can be spread throughout the organisation, fostering more and better collaboration.

"Now there's no need to book busy meeting rooms. Multi-party collaboration, planned or spontaneous, happens right in the personal office meeting space," said Bevington.

"Most importantly for our UK reseller partners there are great margins to be earned on this product."

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