Jola launches Fixed IP Failover SIMs

Jola is offering partners affordable 1GB fixed IP failover SIMs on a 12-month contract to offset the impact of catastrophic failures should they happen.

The solution uses Jola's overage protection facility on Mobile Manager and is an alternative to the high cost and limitations of mobile data, claimed Jola,

"A fixed line back-up to a primary Internet connection has never been the best way to ensure business continuity," stated Lee Broxson, Sales Director.

"As the 4G network increases, so does the opportunity for 4G failover solutions.

"When the back-up solution is required the SIM automatically increases the data allowance to 40GB, 100GB, 200GB, 300GB, 400GB or 500GB so partners are only paying for the larger SIM when they need it.

"We can detect usage on our SIMs and automatically trigger a bolt-on for the month in which the data was used and remove it again the following month, if it is not required."

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