Node4 targets UC&C with dedicated division
Cloud, data centre and communications provider Node4's focus on the UC&C space has sharpened with the launch of a dedicated business unit called N4Engage, offering hosted voice, video and teamInnovation drives UCaaS
The channel will be well equipped to take the gaping UCaaS market by storm so long as resellers do not neglect the strategiTaylor alerts channel to UC&C 'explosion'
An upcoming 'big explosion' in the UC&C space will be a major threat for the comms industry, warned Voiceflex Sales & Marketing Director Paul Taylor, citing the growth in usage of MS TeamsThe collaboration factor
Resellers must target a full set of collaboration and delivery goals if they are to catch the eye of ICT buyers in the futGamma bolsters UCaaS play with Telsis acquisition
Gamma's acquisition of Fareham-based Telsis bolsters its capabilities in the largely untapped UCaaS market, thought to be worth between £2bn and £3bn, and signals its intention to be a lead UCaaS cWhy collaboration is key
UC&C is the channel’s chance to become the business community’s saviour in the Age of the Millennial, according to VoicOpportunities in UCaaS
UCaaS has proved slow in unlocking the riches of the digital age for the channel, but according to Gamma’s Head of UCaaSTimes a-changing in UC
An uplift in the fortunes of UCaaS providers could ultimately come from a rising group of newcomers to the world of workA model for UCaaS
Mitel’s popular UCaaS agency and SP model in the US will be just as fashionable across Europe, says VP UCaaS InternationalWhy it's time to socialise the digital conversation
As long as workgroups run as separate entities they will continue to limit an organisation’s horizons, according to Voicefle