Pangea is helping channel partners realise mobile opportunities spawning from the PSTN switch off via its new sales planner.
The PSTN switch-off sales planner shows relevant switch off dates and stop sell dates and recommends intelligent mobile connectivity solutions.
Around 2.4m businesses still rely on the PSTN for their solutions and over 200 kinds of application need migrating including 500,000 electronic point of sale machines, 25,000+ network endpoints in the water industry, 180,000 emergency call out systems in lifts , 43,000+ endpoints used by gas and electricity companies, 1.8 million wearable alarms in the telecare industry and one million burglar and fire alarm systems.
Sales Director Bernie McPhillips said: “The PSTN switch-off is the biggest change in telecoms in the last 30 years; and the more prepared channel partners are, the more profitable an opportunity it’ll become.
“Give your customers the guidance they need, and you’ll be reaping the rewards for years to come.”