M&A integration issues removed by advisory service

M&A deals going to the wall because of integration issues will become a thing of the past following the roll out of a transaction advisory service by Support to Win, according to its CEO Julie Mills.

The company has developed a pre-transaction due diligence service for whole customer bases that fully assesses the migration challenge.  "M&A deals will fall through if this looks too difficult," stated Mills.

"So we developed services for either sell-side or buy-side parties to make migrations and consolidations faster."

Mills noted that due diligence forms the basis of a comprehensive view of a customer’s voice estate which can be managed post-transaction as part of a customer-by-customer migration plan. 

"These include virtual PBX audit tools that reduce pre-migration fact-finds from weeks to minutes, and remote onboarding services that hand-hold customers to new services without costly, time-consuming on-site visits," added Mills.

“That’s good news for companies looking to sell at full valuation, as well as investing businesses with a low appetite for risk.” 

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