Ten channel leaders on the biggest risk they have taken...

Which high profile channel leader joined Lehman Brothers in an untimely move? Find out here, along with nine other behind-the-scenes insights into the biggest risks our channel personalities have taken.


Magrathea MD and Comms Council UK Chair Tracey Wright
Leaving a secure job with a good pension to join a start-up that could only guarantee me months’ salary. Why? I knew the founder, Linus Surguy, well and had total confidence that Magrathea could be exactly what it has turned out to be – and that it would be fun getting it there.

Six Degrees CEO Vince DeLuca
Accepting my first CEO job. With a heavy focus on resale, the company I ended up working for was very different and much bigger than anything I had tackled beforehand. But I was successful, taking the business from $400 million turnover to close to a billion.

F One Technologies Sales Director Lee New
Going for a second child. I ended up having twins the second time around and now have three girls’ weddings to pay for in the future!

Future Voice Director Tom Shirley
Setting up Future Voice at the age of 24. I believed in myself and was a sponge for six years, learning everything I could. It was the best decision I ever made.

n2s CEO Rob Bolton
Signing up to the London Marathon and the training commitment.

PXC CEO James Smith
Earlier in my career I moved jobs for the promise of a promotion and some money at a time when we had just taken on a big mortgage and my wife was expecting a baby. It was 2007 and the new job was at Lehman Brothers, so that didn’t work out brilliantly.

Celerity CEO Craig Aston
Leaving the security of IBM and becoming employee number one in a start-up.

IP Telecom CEO Shena Brien
Walking away from a steady income to start a business.

Currys Business Director Dean Kramer
Stepping out of my comfort zone to take on projects has contributed to me thinking in a more rounded way about how we serve customers and bring propositions to market.

Greg Jones, VP of Business Development EMEA, Kaseya
Transitioning from central and local governance in the public sector into the private sector, which was a different, less secure and stable world.

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