Knight Corporate Finance

  • Lillie promoted to Director at Knight Corporate Finance

    Knight Corporate Finance has announced three promotions in its team, including Dom Lillie to Director.
  • Knight advises EnableX on sale to Gamma

    Knight Corporate Finance advised the shareholders of EnableX on its sale to Gamma, with the transaction led by Director Paul Billingham and supported by Chris Collins and Jacob Pattison.
  • Pressure mounting to deliver 'big returns'

    Pressure on certain invested-in channel companies to deliver stronger performances is mounting, according to Knight Corporate Finance Director Adam Zoldan.
  • Knight hires deepen sector experience

    Knight Corporate Finance has appointed Nikki Freeman as Business Development Director, who joins from Gamma, and Luke Ettenfield-Nann as Senior Corporate Finance Manager, who moves from TalkTalk Business.
  • Knight advises Zest4 on investment boost

    Knight Corporate Finance continues to advise on key channel deals, securing strategic investment for its frequent collaborator Zest4.
  • Reassessing growth strategies

    A key priority of business leaders in 2023 is to identify the factors
  • Business growth and M&A outlook 2023

    Produced in association with Knight Corporate Finance: This research report produced in association with Knight Corporate Finance explores why it is critical to have a growth mindset with a willingness to strategically evolve aligned to ongoing change - and asks: Is it time to reappraise your business growth strategy?
  • New Act delays deals

    Knight Corporate Finance co-founder and Director Adam Zoldan unravels the implications of new legislation linked to na
  • M&A-rich channel disrupted by new NSI Act

    M&A preparation is key as legislation causes acquisition backlog for the channel, says Knight Corporate Finance Director Adam Zoldan.
  • Channel M&A: 2022 outlook

    Sector consolidation shows no sign of abating with transactions and valuations remaining high – and a new trend could


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